So here we are at UNMH in labor! I was induced on the 12th at around 8pm with cervix-softening medicine and started having stron contractions right away. My water broke around 2am on the 13th. Chris thought the baby was coming immediately! Fat chance... I labor for about 24 more hours! My best friend Cammy tried to distract me with playing 'Go Fish' wish worked for a few minutes. I sat on the yoga ball to relieve discomfort and got an epidural about 16 hours after contractions started. I was sooooo tired! Chris really was great, massaging my legs and making sure I had lots of liquids (that's all I could have!). Mom, Dad, Vanessa, Lance, Jan and Heather all stopped by along with some co-workers. We got a little scared around 10pm on the 14th when Abigail's heart rate started slowing down, but the nurses and doctors at UNM really were on top of things and gave Abi a saline rinse to help her out. She came about 4 hours later (i think....)! I yelled "Get her out of me NOOOOOWWWWW!" the whole time I was pushing!
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