Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Home sweet home!

Couldn't wait to get a bow on her!
Banger is not sure about her yet!
First contact! Banger looks a little stressed!
Dad is so happy, proud, and in Love!

So here are a few pics from our first weeks home. It is just before Christmas, so it was nice to have lots of visitors for celebration of Christmas and Abigail's birth! I got so nervous about bringing the dogs home from Grandma and Grandpa Bollinger's (Chris knew they'd be fine). Banger and Haggis are definitely jealous, but realize that she is fragile and treat her accordingly. We are brand new parents, so we realize that this is gong to be an exciting, yet stressful time of year!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Abi is here!!!!

After ~30hrs. of labor, we were all so tired, but so excited! I thought right away that she had Chris' nose, and long fingers and toes! She had lots of dark brown hair with a large forehead! The pics kinda' say it all! We had to stay a few more days because my water had broken more than 24 hours before she was born and to watch for infection. We ended up driving home at the beginning of a snow storm during rush hour on the 16th!

Abigail Michaela
born December 14th, 2010
8lbs. 2oz. 21.25 inches
All cleaned up!
Love at first sight!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

So here we are at UNMH in labor! I was induced on the 12th at around 8pm with cervix-softening medicine and started having stron contractions right away. My water broke around 2am on the 13th. Chris thought the baby was coming immediately! Fat chance... I labor for about 24 more hours! My best friend Cammy tried to distract me with playing 'Go Fish' wish worked for a few minutes. I sat on the yoga ball to relieve discomfort and got an epidural about 16 hours after contractions started. I was sooooo tired! Chris really was great, massaging my legs and making sure I had lots of liquids (that's all I could have!). Mom, Dad, Vanessa, Lance, Jan and Heather all stopped by along with some co-workers. We got a little scared around 10pm on the 14th when Abigail's heart rate started slowing down, but the nurses and doctors at UNM really were on top of things and gave Abi a saline rinse to help her out. She came about 4 hours later (i think....)! I yelled "Get her out of me NOOOOOWWWWW!" the whole time I was pushing!