Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Keeping warm...

Just our little 2 year old still having fun!

 Playing on Papa's old, but re-furbished hobby horse we named Hee-Haw!

Abi's 2nd Birthday!

This year we had Abi's birthday party at Monkey Mania! It was a blast! She had a few little friends over and they played for two hours straight! Dora even came to surprise Abi with balloons! She was ecstatic! She got lots of cool presents and lots of sugary treats!
 Abi's Dora cupcake-cake loaded with 2" of whipped cream!
 Abigail and Olivia working the runway in Princess attire!
 Working her tiara!
 Candice and Pearl watching the show! (Pearl is clapping!)
 Doesn't she wear lime-green well?
 Stinker face! Center of attention!
 Playing blocks with Auntie Heather!
 Charlotte and Pearl!
 Hamming it up with Pampo!
 Taking a brief breather!
 Attempting a smile...
 Twirling for the camera!
 "Happy Birthday to Abi...."
 My favorite people!
 Look who's here!
 She had a weird expression on her face most of the time...
 Pure bliss!
 This about sums up her excitement...
 The shirts-off after party!
 Almost ready to crash!!!
Would you look at that beauty!!!

The year is almost over...

It is embarrassing how little we use our camera sometimes... We took a last 2012 trip to Denver to see my sister and SHE took all the pictures! Please refer to her blog to see pics from Abi's birthday celebration with the Burgess family! We had a great time at the Children's Museum and having a pizza party for Miss Abi. There are a few here from Denver... the rest are just plain 'ol cute pics!
 Me and my Sissy
 Vanessa & Owen at the mall
 Goofy Chris
 Abi has a special bond with Haggis
 Super Cheese!
 Pretending to go "Nigh-nigh"
 She can turn on the charm!
 Couch yoga...

 At the Children's museum in Denver!