Tuesday, December 20, 2011

First snow of the season!

 Waiting to go outside!
 There's at least 6 inches here!
 Check out those huge flakes!
 A handsome pair!
 I would like to eat that...
Brr! Feels good on my gums!

The stuff I get into...

I'm a a voracious crawler now and am almost walking! I can walk holding onto things and have taken a few steps by myself towards awaiting arms! Mommy and Daddy really have to keep an eye on me now!

 Getting nowhere quick!
 Going through the pantry!
 Help me up!
 Half-naked antics!
 Watch this Mom!
 Playing with appliances!
 After bath fully-naked antics!

 Can't catch me Mom! I don't want a diaper!
 Trying on Daddy's wireless headphones!
How did Dora the Explorer get in these things?

Abi's first birthday!

These are all portraits taken by Lance at Abi's first birthday at Bounce'n'Boogie! It was a great time had by all! Abi was so exhausted after her party that she slept from 5pm-7am! All her friends and family were there and everyone had a blast!

12 month doctors appointment!

Abi had her 12 months appointment to check in on her development and to get her shots! Unfortunately, Daddy has to take her to her appointments, her doctor only works on days that Mommy has to be sleeping to go to work at night. She got four shots this time, but did great, as usual. She's 19.25 lbs and ~ 27" long.  57% for height, 18% for weight. Growing up great, long and lean! Here are picks of her passing time before her shots. Guess she didn't know what was coming... or did she?

Day at the mall!

 Trying on crazy hats at Baby GAP
 First carousel ride!
 Abi loved it!

Auntie's 27th Birthday!

Had a Mexican dinner in our PJ's for Auntie Vanessa's 27th Birthday! Funny how birthday parties evolve the older we get! Love having good times with our favorite people!
 Helping Mom blow out her candles!
 All the kids love Pampo!
 Autumn's crazy hairdo!
 Party time! Let's get crazy!
Loving chocolate cake and ice cream!

The many expressions that are Abigail...

These are pictures Chris was sending to me in the morning on my way home from work, missing my baby. Had to share...
 Serious face
 Silly face
 Disgusted face
 Happy face
Ridiculous face

12 months!

 Giving hugs now!
 Stinking adorable!
 Dad! You caught me with your credit card already?!?!
 This shirt reads: "When I grow up I want to be a bagpiper". Mommy hopes not!
 Now I stole the car keys...
Showing off my cuteness and two teeth!