Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Aquarium 2- Continued

Im pretty sure that albino turtle could swallow me whole...
Sea life looks good...
Sitting on a giant starfish!
Mr. Eel, you're pretty ugly...

Abigail's Day at the Aquarium 1

On Daddy's recovery day from his trip to Canada for a bagpipe competition, we decided to have some cool, indoor family time at the Albuquerque aquarium. Mommy has been with her nephew, Owen, before, but Daddy hadn't been yet. I know I'm only 6 months, but I was pretty interactive with all the different fish. It was even past my nap time when we were still there! It was good family time!
Looking at one of the aquariums with Dada
Touching a mounted fishy
The sting rays loved me!
This is way better than being outside in the heat right now!
Steering the ship! Captain Abi!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Staying cool inside...

This is usually what play-time looks like...
My serious face.
Silly, fun-face
Trying on my outfit for 'Auntie' Cammy's wedding...

Cool evening activities...

Abi and Daddy usually spend some time together outside while Mommy cooks dinner. Here are some of the things they do when they hang out...
Sit in the grass and feel around...
Have a chit-chat session...
Haircut... HAIRCUT! Daddy decided it was time to cut off Abi's 'rat-tail' and he even trimmed the sides around her ear and shaved off her hairy back-patch (nevus) with Mommy's eyebrow trimmer!
"A little off the sides, Dada"

Monday, June 20, 2011


Daddy spending time with me on Father's Day!
Having fun in my Exer-saucer!

This is what five in the morning looks like!

Stinkin' cute!

These are some adorable pics from Father's Day weekend. She's really good at making funny faces for the camera! Vanessa made her this shirt dress from a recycled boys shirt she got at Goodwill. She's really crafty and talented, and does she make Abigail look good!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I can sit up by myself!

This is me sitting up in the middle of the bed by myself!
I fall over if I reach to the side, but I can sit up again if I lean all the way forward!
Just the girls cuddling!
A new sundress Mommy couldn't avoid buying...

Biscuit eatin'

Mommy let me enjoy a biscuit before bath time. Apparently, that's the only time I'll be allowed these biscuits. I wonder why...
Yum, yum, yum!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Prettier by the day...

Trying on my tu-tu for 'Auntie' Cammy's wedding
Side view
I've learned how to smile when the camera flash goes off!
Mascara model

Learning to crawl?

I'm supposed to be doing tummy time, but I've learned to roll out of the position in a few seconds flat. I hate tummy time THAT much. Mom found out, though, that if she puts my arms down by my side I can't roll over them. This is a photo op of that 'hilarious' moment.

I almost got this! I'm just not sure what to do with my arms...
My kick and roll technique
I'm not amused, Mom!
I give up...

6 months old!

This is how I roll. Mommy taking me to the mailbox. We've been avoiding long walks due to the stinky smoke that rolls in in the evenings.
Not sure if this is 'just woke up' face or 'going to sleep' face...
I'm not quite sure what to do with the comb yet... Obviously I can't see that my hair could use some tending to. And, yes, that is milk all over my face...
This is what I look like when my mommy takes my hair down for sleep. I'm not too happy that she's taking pictures of me without my hair 'did'!
This is me with my hair 'did'. I'm chubbing up... notice the double chin!