Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Zoo trip!

Abi's first cognizant trip to the zoo was in March when her Dad and I actually had a day off together! Yay! Family day! Abi really loves animals and is pointing them out wherever she sees them, even parking lot birds, so we knew she'd love the zoo. She even stayed up way past nap time! She knows a lot of animal noises already so it was nice to help her match up the real, live version of the noises to the animal. It was such a great day!
Abi pointing at the first animal she saw!
Didn't have a noise for flamingos...
Ducks are one of her faves!
Up close and personal in the polar bear tank!
This guy kept swimming right up to her!
This foot was bigger than her head.
Putting on a show!

Sunbathing! It was the first nice day of spring. 
Trying to see what the other family has for lunch!
Time-out for some grub!
So peaceful...

Monkeying around!

The delirious phase right before a nap!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Keeping busy inside for the winter!

 Trying on Mommy's old girl scout sash! Look at that beautiful hair!
 I love to sit in the fridge and play with the plastic bottles!
 Silly face baby!
 Bed head after a long nap!
 Snuggled up!
 Giving Ella a ride!
 Beautiful mug shot!
 Rocking chair fun!
 Wearing a Scottish inspired outfit!
 What keeps Mommy busy...
 Mommy tried to fool me with a new "lovie" but I'm not having it!
What we get to say goodnight to!

Fun with my furry siblings!

Abigail love hanging out with her brother and sister beagles! She loves to kiss them and make them wear silly things like sunglasses and hats! Rarely, when we have four hands, we can take them to the park with us to play. Here are some pics...
 Running around the park! Freedom!
 Enjoying the one warm day we've had in awhile...
 At the park with my dogs!
 Making Haggis look silly!
 Poor Haggis!
 Snuggle time!
Annoying Banger!