Friday, February 4, 2011

Week 7

This week has been a difficult one for Mom (Jess)! I've been reading 'Healthy Sleep Habits, Healthy Baby' by Dr. Weissbluth to help get Abigail into a sleep schedule before I go back to work. This has not been the easiest thing. Abi is just takes 'snaps' (short naps) all day not giving her enough rest to be a calm, happy baby. She's happy and plays for a couple hours in the morning, but after that she's usually what Mom calls a 'Fuss Bucket'. One thing we got lucky with is that Abi sleeps through the night only getting up once or twice depending on bedtime. This has been really nice for Mom's rest! She is now sleeping in her in her crib overnight like a big girl and she's taking one bottle of breastmilk a day that Daddy feeds her. All getting ready for Abi's weekends without Mom. Dad will do great, I know it!
This is Abi's 'Milk Face' after a big bottle with vitamins in it!
I'm so calm with Nana...
Talking with Pampo...
I love to talk! and flirt!

1 comment:

  1. Isla went thru this phase of lack of daytime napping while sleeping well thru the night. She made it thru but now we have the opposite problem of taking good naps during the day but not wanting to go to bed at night. She really fights it and will do just about anything including talking to herself to stay awake.
