Sunday, September 18, 2011

Things Abi loves....

It's unbelievable how fast kids grow! Abi is more like a little girl than a baby these days! She is now getting on to her tummy herself and is trying to crawl. It still doesn't last long, she gets very frustrated when she can't go anywhere, but at least she is trying. She loves to walk around with us holding her up by her hands or under her arms and she even guides us to what she wants to get at. She's already pulling at cords and wires so we've begun baby-proofing our little house. It's going to be a fun month, I can already tell!

Here are a few pics of things Abi adores...
Mommy! Did I mention that she has started saying "Ma"!?! So exciting. This is morning pic, so we don't look our best... Abi just woke up and I'm getting ready for bed!
Silly hats! Abi's great, great, great grandmother Lottie Appel made this YEARS ago...
Dada! Oh, and her new monkey that Auntie Nessa brought her from Portland. It squeals and so does she! Whenever you ask Abi to say "Mama" she usually replies "DADADADA!" She loves her Dad and her whole face lights up whenever she sees him!
Her favorite stuffed animals, Ella and Jerry! Ella is named after her great-grandma. JoElla and Jerry, after my cousin Jerry. Her guardian angels! She sleeps with both of them most nights and loves for them to sleep ON her!
Random objects, here a whisk! Oh, and clothes from Nanie Bollinger! Doesn't she look adorable in this outfit ( which she, also, has in brown!).

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