Tuesday, November 8, 2011

10 months!

     Abi is 10 months! What an exciting month! It was Abigail's 1st Halloween, first family pictues, and lists of other firsts, too! 
     Abi got her first two teeth! The front bottom ones, as is normal. She says lots of words besides "Dada", "Mama" and "Dog" now. She can say "lamp", "fan", "rate" (giraffe), "Haggis", "this", "that", "hi", etc. She loves to be walked around by the hands and can pull herself up in her crib to standing. She still avoids crawling, but scoots in a circle and squirms to what she wants without a four-limbed approach. She feeds herself small finger-foods, loving fruit, especially. She loves greens, too, though. She almost ate my entire serving of broccoli for lunch one day! She loves to 'flirt'! She gives a big cheesy smile and waves. 
     Our first family pictures were on location at the Rio Grande bosque. It was probably her grumpiest day ever, so we're crossing our fingers that they turn out well. Can't wait to send them out on Christmas cards!

 Monkey, again...
 My first two teeth!
 Serious face...
 Super Cheese!
 Halloween glamour!
 Eating a twizzler after trick'or'treating...
 Mom made me a hat!
 Mug shot face!
 Dressed in my princess best!
My melancholy beauty!

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