Monday, May 16, 2011

Oklahoma trip!

It was a sad time going to Great-great's funeral, but we managed to try and enjoy our trip. Abi did so well on the ten hour drive, we really are lucky parents. She only really fussed the last couple hours of the trip back home. In the hotel, she still managed to take a nap with the TV on and someone in the room looking out for her. We all stayed in the same hallway of the hotel, so it helped that her favorite babysitters, Auntie Nessa and Nana & Pampo, were right there to help. Once, Nana wrapped me in a towel to swaddle me because Mom & Dad forgot to give them her swaddle blanket! So funny, but it worked.
My first swimming experience! There's Aunt JoAnn, Pampo, Ness right behind us!
A cute hand-me-down swimsuit from cousin Autumn!
Dada bouncing me on the bed!
Getting ready to go to the church, all dressed up!
With my handsome Dada who played the bagpipes at Great-great's graveside.

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